Want more info on a favorite artwork or to see objects not on view? Browse our online database to learn more about our diverse permanent collection. The UMFA collections department protects and conserves a dynamic collection of nearly 20,000 objects. The database offers information on every object in the collection and new images are continually added.
Search the Collection
Explore both the Utah Museum of Fine Arts and the J. Willard Marriott Library’s catalogs in a single search here.
Object labels are often based on institutional records that may be incomplete, inaccurate, or insensitive. Museum staff is continually researching objects in the collection, including when and how an object left its place of origin. These discoveries are made accessible on labels and in the Museum’s public database. If you notice a mistake or have additional information about an object in the collection, please contact reply@umfa.utah.edu. Read more about decolonizing the UMFA here.

Requests for scheduled visits for students, teachers, and researchers to view objects in the permanent collection currently not on view in our galleries are individually assessed. Approved visits will include modified safety practices. We may not be able to accommodate all requests due to current safety restrictions.

Receive reproductions for research, publication, and personal use. Fees may apply for image use, photography processing, or rush requests.
Click here to request image reproductions. Please allow 3 weeks to process. For rights and reproduction questions contact adelaide.ryder@umfa.utah.edu.
For rights and reproduction requests for Spiral Jetty or Sun Tunnels, please contact rights@diaart.org.
The UMFA is committed to protecting the copyright held by other entities. You are responsible for obtaining reproduction permission from the copyright holder as necessary. Review our copyright policy here.