6:30 pm | FREE
Sugar Space Arts Warehouse, 132 S 800 W, Salt Lake City
In conjunction with Women’s History Month, everyone is invited to participate in this community dialogue around gender, activism, and art. Engage in empowering art making and story sharing while offering ideas for a community mural that will be created in April. Learn about resources in the community and ways to incorporate feminism in all aspects of life.
Session Leaders:
Micol Hebron, artist, educator, micolhebron.com
Jessica Sabogal, artist, muralist, jessicasabogal.com
Flor Olivo, artist, educator, equity and diversity, U of U, flawurmedia.com
Claudia Geist, educator, gender studies, U of U
Megan Reynolds, educator, sociology, U of U
ACME (Art. Community. Museum. Education.) Sessions are bimonthly community meetups where participants can dream and articulate new models of education and engagement through art. Presented by the UMFA in partnership with Salt Lake City Public Library and with funding from Utah Humanities.
*Arrive early for refreshments.