Thursday, September 26 | 6:30 pm | Salt Lake City Public Library, Glendale Branch
Join us for a workshop in which we will discuss the dynamics of sexual violence, what sexual violence prevention means, and how each of us can contribute to creating a safe and empowering community for all of us. Sexual violence is often perceived as an incident that occurs between two or more individuals at a specific time and location. In reality, sexual violence occurs within the context of our community, our culture, our attitudes, and our beliefs. How do each of us play a part in maintaining or dismantling the factors that allow sexual violence to continue? This event will be facilitated by Jorge Barraza, prevention coordinator from the Rape Recovery Center, and will feature art created by youth from our community and survivors of sexual violence.
ACME is a three-part outreach initiative dedicated to rethinking the public role of museums. ACME Lab, ACME Sessions, and ACME Scholars are designed to transform how the UMFA connects with, engages, and learns from our community.
Presented by the UMFA in partnership with Salt Lake City Public Library. This Project is supported in part by the National Endowments for the Arts.