6:30* PM at the Salt Lake City Public Library, Marmalade Branch
This ACME Session is part of the UMFA’s Now West! programming in conjunction with Go West! Art of the American Frontier from the Buffalo Bill Center of the West.
Session Leaders:
Casey Tracy, artist
DeLesslin George-Warren, artist, delesslin.com
Denae Shanidiin, artist, denaeshanidiin.com
Gregg Deal, artist, greggdeal.com
Through presentations, storytelling, art making activities, and other experiential activities, these Native artists explore connections between their indigenous roots and their art practices.
ACME (Art. Community. Museum. Education.) Sessions are bimonthly roundtable public exchanges where participants can dream and articulate new models of education and engagement through art. Presented by the UMFA in partnership with Salt Lake City Public Library and with funding from Utah Humanities (UH).
Located at the Salt Lake City Public Library, Marmalade Branch.
*Arrive early for refreshments.