Wednesday, March 2 | 5–8 pm | FREE
G.W. Anderson Family Great Hall | UMFA
Open Studio is a drop-in art exploration program for adults, teens, and families. Unlike a traditional class, open studio is a place to experiment with art supplies, with inspiration from art in the Handstitched Worlds: The Cartography of Quilts exhibition.
We’ll gather together in a quilting bee (it’s like a quilting party!), stitching on a community quilt that will be donated to a shelter.
This Open Studio for Handstitched Worlds will be on three consecutive first Wednesdays, March 2, April 6, and May 4, 2022. Advance tickets required. Reserve yours here.
Artist Unknown (India), Soldier’s Quilt, 1850–75, wool, probably from military uniforms with embroidery thread, rickrack, and velvet binding; inlaid, layered-applique, hand embroidered, image courtesy of the American Folk Art Museum, gift of Altria Group, Inc., photo by Gavin Ashworth.
Handstitched Worlds: The Cartography of Quilts was organized by the American Folk Art Museum, New York and is toured by International Arts & Artists, Washington, DC.
International Arts & Artists in Washington, DC, is a non-profit arts service organization dedicated to increasing cross-cultural understanding and exposure to the arts internationally, through exhibitions, programs and services to artists, arts institutions and the public. Visit www.artsandartists.org
Presenting Sponsor: ESRR Impact Endowment Fund
Curatorial Sponsor: Bank of America
Installation Sponsor: STEPHANIE AND TIM HARPST
Presented in partnership with the Utah Quilt Guild and the Holiday Quilt Show and Auction