Plan Your Vote
Inspiration for the UMFA’s ACME Lab, Utah Women Working for Better Days!, emerged from discussions with educators and historians about the suffrage history of our state. In addition to a number of other significant voting rights anniversaries, 2020 marks the 150th anniversary of Utah becoming the first place in the modern nation where women cast their ballots.

In commemoration, we want to empower our community to make the most of your citizenship during this election season by exercising your voting rights. As the state’s fine arts museum, we are providing Utah-specific information to help you do so. We hope you’ll share this information with family and friends to ensure that your vision for “Better Days” is realized!

We encourage you to visit to register to vote, update your information, learn about candidates, and more. To verify that you’re registered to vote in Utah, please visit
Plan Your Vote is a 2020 visual arts initiative from that harnesses the power of art to promote and encourage citizens to exercise their right to vote. Visit their public library of artworks, available for anyone to download and share.

Willie Cole, American, 1955, How Do You Spell America? # 8, 1993, mixed media, latex paint, chalk, oil pastel, masonite, wood, purchased with funds from the UMFA Young Benefactors, UMFA2007.19.1
We recognize that voting does not look the same for everyone. We are offering information to remove potential barriers to voting so that everyone’s voice can be heard.
Information for Utah Registered Voters with Disabilities
You have several options to cast your ballot. Keep in mind that your county may offer additional options; contact your county clerk for more information.
Vote by mail.
Postmark the ballot you received by mail on or before Monday, November 2nd (the day before Election Day). You can also drop your ballot off at a drop box location before 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Vote via email or fax.
Utah voters with disabilities may send and receive ballots via email or fax by submitting the request in paper. Request must be received by the county clerk by Friday, October 23, 2020.
Note: Utah County is conducting a pilot project allowing voters with disabilities to cast votes via smartphone; contact Utah County clerk for information.
Vote at an early voting location or Election Day voting location.
Polling locations have voting machines that offer accommodations for voters who have visual or hearing impairments. If you would like to use an accessible voting machine, inform a poll worker when you arrive. If you would like assistance while voting, you may ask a poll worker to assist you, or you may choose any individual to assist you except for your employer, a trade union representative, or a candidate.
Click here to find more information for voters with disabilities.
Information for Voters with Felony Convictions
It’s estimated that up to 18 million Americans who have felony convictions are currently eligible to vote but won’t cast their ballot this election. The myriad of felony disenfranchisement laws that vary from state to state—to say nothing of the spread of misinformation—can cause confusion. The good news for Utah citizens who have been convicted with a felony is that you are eligible to vote once released from incarceration—even while still on probation or parole—as long as you meet the same voter registration deadlines that apply to the rest of the state. In fact, that is true for citizens in most U.S. states. Not a Utah resident? Look here for guidance on how to restore your right to vote:
Voting Rights Anniversaries
19th Amendment ratified on August 18, 1920.
President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.