Wednesday, September 28, 2022 | 6-7:30 pm
Utah Museum of Fine Arts | Register Here
All ages welcome | FREE
This ACME session is part of the U’s Homecoming Week 2022. Join the U community back on campus from Saturday, September 24 to Saturday, October 1 for a full week of sports, arts, and fun.
Let’s Talk About It
How would you fix Utah’s bad air quality? In this ACME Session we’ll explore Utah’s air quality through art making and discussions inspired by the Utah Museum of Fine Art’s latest exhibition Air. Hear about air quality and air justice from University of Utah faculty and students, local artists, and your community members. Explore current research and creative approaches to understand the air around us—and make your own work of art that combines data collection and artistic expression. All ages welcome!
Let’s Art About It
Can you close your eyes and imagine air? What do your five senses tell you about it? How many bad air days have you experienced in your lifetime? Do you remember how many times it rained this year? How about every day you woke up with a smile? When you imagine these questions are they graphs, moving pictures, journal entries? Join us at the UMFA for an art making activity through data visualization. We’ll reimagine numbers and data into works of art, similar to artist Virginia Catherall’s whose Salt Lake City Air Quality Scarf, on view now in Air, tracks each day of 2020 with yarn. This drop-in art exploration for adults, teens, and families, will provide an open studio space to experiment with art supplies, with inspiration from art in the Air exhibition.
Sponsors: ZAP, University of Utah, Richard K. and Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation
Campus Partners: U of U Colleges of: Social and Behavioral Science, Mines and Earth Sciences, Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy, School of Medicine, and the Office of Alumni Relations
Community Partners: Salt Lake City Public Library, SLC Air Protectors